EXTRA, EXTRA read all about it…in a newsletter

Why are newsletters important? Well, for starters they are an extremely cost-effective means for building relationships and maintaining regular contact with not only clients, but customers, connections, and business partners.

In fact, newsletters are an important component of any effective marketing strategy, email campaign, and branding strategy. Ignoring them can in fact restrict your brand from growth.

The issue with newsletters is that open rates in general are relatively low. This means quite often companies try a newsletter briefly and then give up, having concluded that a newsletter is a waste of time as nobody opened it. But they couldn’t be any more wrong. The reality is that the structure and content of your newsletter is essential to its success, as is the timing. A good newsletter will bring you increased sales, impress your customers so that they become repeat customers, and enhance your image as an expert in your industry; no matter how many people open it.

Here are our top five reasons why you need to include newsletters in your marketing strategy:

  1. Establish your brand as experts

Newsletters give your business an opportunity to demonstrate authority and expertise about your services or products. You can tell subscribers why certain materials are better, why some themes are popular, or tell a story about your brand. Your newsletters will give readers a reason to trust you.

  1. Raise brand awareness

What you say in your newsletters allows you to tell a story that brings more personality to your brand. Your brand is more than just a logo and slogan (which we hope you already know). By taking some time to develop a strong visual identity with your newsletter, you create a way for customers to recognise your brand instantly across many different platforms.

  1. Share on social media

Once you have sent out a newsletter you can host it on your website and then share to social media. This means newsletters are content which you can repurpose. If the timing doesn’t work via email then send it out again on social media, use it to draw links back to your website and increase your backlink profile; the opportunities are endless.

  1. Partake in direct communication

Once thought of as low-tech and outdated, newsletters are now proving increasingly valuable to companies looking to build strong direct relationships with their target audiences.

  1. Increase content exposure

We all know content is king. Newsletters are not the place for 2,000-word articles or in-depth coverage, readers get bored more quickly than they did a generation ago, so articles of no more than about 500 words are ideal for newsletters. If you have a longer piece of existing content, you can break it down into smaller chunks for newsletters to increase exposure.


Newsletters are imperative in taking your brand’s marketing to the next level. Our agency is in the habit of sending quarterly newsletters and monthly email campaigns to our audiences relating to the events and themes in the industry, as well as what we have been up to. We use innovative strategies, track our open rates, and monitor readership; leading to higher conversion rates. We do this for not only ourselves but clients too. We can create accurate and eye-catching newsletters that users want to read. Users do not want their email inundated with spam.

We think outside the box. So, you don’t have to! Get in touch to see how we can help you.


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