It’s an exciting time of the year!

Award season is happening.

Winning an industry award is a fantastic achievement for any business, so having a great award entry is crucial. But, at some point, we have all experienced the tiresome task of submitting entries! It’s tough to strike the right balance between what you want to say and what you need to say.

For any organisation, writing about your achievements in an engaging and informative way without being too promotional can be challenging. That’s where working with an unbiased third party during the award submission process can really help. And that’s where we can assist…

Take a look below at KBPR’s recommended list of award submission do’s and don’ts as a starting point:


  • Ensure your submission is clear and concise.
  • Pay close attention to the entry criteria.
  • Answer the actual question, not your interpretation of it.
  • Engage the judges, keeping in mind this is not their primary role.
  • Craft a compelling narrative.
  • Incorporate the key words from the entry criteria.
  • Back your claims with evidence; data is persuasive!
  • Utilise statistics creatively.
  • Consider the reader’s perspective; this is a form of communication.
  • Highlight what sets you apart from your peers.
  • Adhere to the word/page limit; excess content won’t be reviewed.
  • Include images but maintain a balanced use of space.


  • Avoid reducing the font size to the point of illegibility.
  • Only claim credit for tasks you actually led; be honest about your role.
  • Limit discussions to events and achievements within the past year, as earlier accomplishments won’t be considered.
  • While good design is beneficial, don’t overly focus on the marketing aspect of your submission.
  • Minimize the use of acronyms.
  • Refrain from including low-quality diagrams and graphs.

KBPR brings a wealth of experience in crafting award entries spanning several years. We provide a comprehensive range of customisable services to cater to your specific requirements. Our continuously updated industry awards planner identifies relevant events and awards to assist you in your pursuit.

Require assistance with your submission? Contact us today!


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