It’s good to be back


It’s almost like time stopped.

Yesterday morning I took my first flight in 26 months – to Edinburgh for the PLSA Investment Conference.  It just so happens that in March 2020 the last flight I took was also from the PLSA Investment Conference in Edinburgh. It’s also the first PLSA in person event that has happened since then.

As I reflect on the day I’m struck by a few things.  Sitting with KBPR’s oldest client, Richard Butcher of PTL, in a session yesterday morning we whispered to each other ‘it’s a bit weird, isn’t it?’.  That’s not to say we weren’t very happy to be there, it was just, well, a bit odd.  All the faces we’ve been seeing online for two years were suddenly right here in person, all together, at one time. All back, as if we hadn’t just had a global pandemic.  A bit like a pause button had just been released.  But of course, it hasn’t. The industry certainly hasn’t stood still – quite the opposite.  It’s been challenged in ways that could never have been predicted, and it excelled. And it was great to be back hearing all about it. Even more change is afoot – innovation, change, development, ESG, TCFD reporting, building adequate savings, diversity, climate, biodiversity, debt, infrastructure, data…. you name it, it was discussed.  It’s exciting times.

But aside from the educational element, there is also the social element.

Now, I have been out and about more in recent months, and I have attended several industry events, but none on this scale.  Without the protection of my office at home, my screen and the Team’s camera, I felt, I can’t deny it, a bit overwhelmed. I’ve networked for over 20 years. I’ve lost count of the number of PLSA (NAPF) conferences and industry events and awards I’ve attended.  But it all feels a bit new again.  It’s going to take a bit of getting used to.  I’m hoping it’s like riding a bike, everything will start to come back, and I’ll be off.

For those of us who have, to all intents and purposes networked for most of our professional lives, weird or not, it’s a very welcome return to the norm of old.  It’s where the best conversations happen, it’s where the best connections are made. It absolutely cannot be replicated in the same way online.

It’s good to be back.




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