Podcasts offer many benefits for businesses. They allow you to share knowledge with the relevant audience in a new way and are a cost effective marketing tool. Everybody shares written content so why not beat the curve and try something new? You can place the Podcast on various platforms such as Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and many others, or host them on your own websites. This makes podcasts a great way for you to reach your target audience and see who is interested in your content. Not to mention you can increase coverage by sharing the link in and email and on social media.
Here are 10 reasons why podcasts are the perfect addition to any existing content strategy.
The fact that podcasts are still new to the industry means competition is low. This also means a lot of topics still haven’t been discussed so you have a vast list to choose from. Get going! Less competition in podcasting means better ROI.
Nowadays we are all always on our phones. This makes podcasts a great tool to allow your listeners access to listen wherever they want to; whilst driving, travelling to meetings, walking the dog, or even whilst working from home. Podcasts can be played in the background so your audience can listen and absorb the information on the go or while doing another task.
Sometimes it is hard to get your point across by written word; people may interpret what you have said differently to how you meant it. Podcasts allow you to speak your mind and explain your point in a more comprehensible way- verbally.
Podcast listeners establish a relationship with the podcast host(s) and in return this makes them want to check back each time there is a new podcast episode released. You will find loyal listeners are also more likely to interact with the podcast by commenting or sending in questions.
With a podcast you can use your personality to your advantage by telling jokes and making people laugh, or alternatively making them feel empathy. The content in a podcast is communicated directly to your listeners. That’s a much more intimate way of getting information than reading it from an e-mail or document
Podcasts can’t be edited- they are recorded or live. This means that you save time not needing to edit or get the information proofread like you would in an article.
Podcasts allow you to reach new audiences for your business. Listeners usually subscribe to the series and regularly listen. As long as your podcast series continues, your audience is quite likely to keep listening and growing.
Regularly hosting podcasts can help you become more confident whilst speaking in public. This is because you don’t speak directly to others but talk to yourself, or a guest, and share the recording. In return this helps speaking allowed increasing confidence speaking at events, wherein you can promote your business.
Making a podcast is fairly simple and won’t cost an arm and a leg. All you need is a computer or smartphone, software to record your presentation and a connection to upload it to the Internet.
With podcasts, all you need to do is research the topic you have chosen, get a few ideas and notes on paper to help you with the flow of ideas and script drafting and then you’re set to start recording. If you host the podcast on your own website, you cut even more costs!