PRESS RELEASE – PASA announces Rothesay Life as the first insurer to achieve Accreditation

16 January 2019

The Pensions Administration Standards Association (PASA), the independent body dedicated to
driving up standards in pensions administration, today announces Rothesay Life as the latest
organisation to be awarded Accreditation – the first insurance company to undergo the process.
Kim Gubler, PASA Chair said: “At PASA, we recognise that best practice can be accomplished in
different ways which is why we set out to develop an accreditation process that was outcome
focussed – to suit different types of organisations. Key to supporting as many individuals with
pension benefits as possible, is the continual expansion of our reach to all areas of the industry and evolving our standards to suit different types of arrangements. We are therefore very pleased to be able to award Rothesay Life the Gold Standard and commend them on their hard work and commitment throughout the process that saw them becoming the first insurer to achieve it.” “Good administration continues to be vital to the running of every pension arrangement, so it is extremely encouraging to see organisations like Rothesay Life recognising its value and taking active steps to ensure their service is of the highest possible standard.”

Jonathan Sarkar, Chief Operating Officer at Rothesay Life said: “We are proud to have achieved
PASA Accreditation and even more so to become the first insurance company to successfully complete the process. When considering buy-out, securing an ongoing high standard of member
care will be at the forefront of every trustee’s mind. This accolade acts as an outward demonstration to trustees and employers that Rothesay Life is wholly committed to delivering outstanding service, whilst reassuring policyholders that their pension benefits remain safe and secure.”

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