PRESS RELEASE: K3 completes £45 Million full scheme buy-In for Robertson Research Group Pension Scheme


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27 March 2024

K3 Advisory, the pension market’s only specialist independent bulk annuity and consolidator advisory business, and market leading end-game advisory business to the fiduciary management market, today announced the successful completion of a £45 million full scheme buy-in for the Robertson Research Group Pension Scheme. The deal, which completed in the fourth quarter of 2023 with Aviva, secured the benefits of 217 pensioners and 232 deferred members.

John Nestor of Capital Cranfield chairs the Trustee Board and Squire Patton Boggs provided legal advice to the Trustees.

Adam Davis, Managing Director at K3 Advisory, commented: ” This transaction was interesting as it needed to overcome liquidity issues within the Scheme’s investment portfolio.  With many schemes journey time to buyout having reduced materially over recent years, illiquid assets are now an increasingly common issue in our experience.  But the good news is there are several practical ways to resolve the issue and transact, as this deal shows. It was also particularly pleasing to be able to secure all member benefits upfront.”

John Nestor, Chair of Trustees, commented: “This was quite a complex transaction, and we were really pleased with the innovation and pragmatism displayed by all advisers – clearly demonstrating what can be achieved when all parties work together. We have now been able to successfully secure the benefits of our members.”


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