PRESS RELEASE: ZEDRA Governance appoints Phil Clark as Client Director

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23 May 2023

[London] ZEDRA – the award-winning provider of pension and incentive services – today announced the appointment of Phil Clark as Client Director. Phil will be based in the firm’s London office.

Commenting, Kim Nash, Managing Director said: “ZEDRA have a clear objective of expansion across all areas while never compromising on skills, experience and professional cultural fit. The independent trustee market has become increasingly competitive in recent years as more schemes have sought to benefit from the unarguable benefits the skillset and dynamic brings to a pension scheme board. We have now entered a new phase, quite naturally for providers, of retender exercises and, of course, inevitable market consolidation.

“Our people have always been our biggest strength and that is about much more than numbers – it’s around the pragmatism, innovation, technical expertise and, more importantly the soft skills of being able to effectively manage and empower people – encouraging those varying personalities and backgrounds to be able to work together effectively around the board table. It is also absolutely vital for us that our team has approached trusteeship as a career choice. Phil has all of these skills and more, with a strong and proven background in strategic planning and creative thinking. He will work closely with our clients to manage their unique risk portfolios and will be a huge asset to our team. We welcome him onboard.”

Phil added: “What really appealed to me about working with ZEDRA is their unique approach to independent trusteeship – both to the market and with clients, but also internally as a team. Independent trusteeship is a uniquely interesting role which has a huge impact on the ultimate direction of a scheme and, crucially, member outcome. Being able to play a key role in that with an ambitious and forward-thinking organisation will be extremely rewarding.”

Phil joins ZEDRA after a 24-year career at Mercer, starting as a trainee and finishing as a Senior Actuarial Consultant. Phil holds a Diploma in Actuarial Techniques and a BSc in Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics.


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